Audio Color Therapy

Since ancient times, it is believed that color has intrinsic healing qualities. Color therapy aims to leverage these qualities and bring balance to your body via the entire spectrum of visible light, with each color addressing a specific issue. However, the combination of color and sound therapy has shown even more effective results.

What is Audio Color Therapy?

Every color possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and accordingly each color impacts a different health condition. Audio color therapy uses the frequencies of sound and the electromagnetic frequencies of color to stimulate body’s innate healing mechanism and strengthen its overall constitutional state. 

Using the latest Med audio-color, a real-time neurofeedback device, we administer a combination of color and tone as substitutional therapy. 12 different colors in color-tone combinations are used. Depending upon the conditions being addressed, we use a continuously variable combination of polar colors and tone. 

What are some of the health benefits of Audio Color Therapy?

This therapy produces a healing response in patients with any chronic health conditions. Helps balance the autonomic nervous system, aids in regulation of circulatory system, hormonal imbalances and eases tension associated with psychological stress. It is also known to have the following benefits: 

Increased ability to concentrate 

Improved sleep and biorhythmic activity

Better functional capacity and ability to cope with stress

Reduced inflammation and pain

Who is it for?

Audio color therapy is suitable for anyone seeking mental or physical rejuvenation or relief. 

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